About Us
Indore Collectorate (with Hqrs., at Indore) was formed on 21.07.1977 bifurcating the erstwhile M.P. & Vidarbh Collectorates (Hqrs., Nagpur). The jurisdiction of the Collectorate extended to whole of M.P. that is M.P.and Chhatisgarh now. However, subsequently w.e.f 01.07.91 Raipur Commissionerate was formed by separating the Eastern part of state of Madhya Pradesh from the jurisdiction of Indore Commissionerate.
Further w.e.f. 16.07.97 Indore-II (Bhopal Hqrs.) Commissionerate was formed by separating Central part of the M.P. from the jurisdiction of Indore Commissionerate. With subsequent diversion of Satna Division to Bhopal, now, Raipur Commissionerate covers the entire state of Chhatisgarh.
At present, in the GST Scenario, the Indore Commissionerate is having jurisdiction over the Districts of Indore and Dewas after formation of Ujjain CGST Commissionerate.
From Commissioners Desk
an ongoing endeavour to facilitate our taxpayers, Indore Commissionerate is priviledged to present an upgraded version of our website. Indirect taxation has undergone a paradigm change with the introduction of GST. I am sure that the taxpayers and trade and industry will benefit from this website and give their valuable feedback and suggestions. The offices of Indore Commissionerate are committed to providing the highest level of the taxpayers services.
What's New!
Citizen's Corner
The Central Board of Excise and Customs, in the Ministry of Finance, is the apex body for administering the levy and collection of indirect taxes of the Union of India viz. Central Excise duty, Customs duty and Service Tax, and for facilitating cross border movement of goods & services. In order to improve the delivery of its services, the Board has decided to formulate this Citizens' Charter This Charter is the declaration of our mission, values and standards to achieve excellence in the formulation and implementation of Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax policies and enforcement of cross borderRead more
GST Sevakendra
Shri Yashwardhan Pandey, Superintendent
CGST and Central Excise office Manikbagh Palace, Post Bag No. 10
Manik Bagh Road, Indore,Madhya Pradesh 452014
Fax No.: 0731-2446538 Mail Id: cgst-indore@gov.in
Shri Piyush Maheshwari Inspector
CGST and Central Excise office Manikbagh Palace, Post Bag No. 10
Manik Bagh Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452014
Fax No.: 0731-2446538 Mail Id: cgst-indore@gov.in
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